She is so beautiful. It breaks my heart to see a dog (or any animal) miserable. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her the needed medical attention. She’s just too beautiful to be a street dog. Every dog needs a home.What a kind and gentle dog. My heart breaks for her. I am so glad these wonderful people took her for help. She’s just a gemPoor girl! She must have suffered horribly You arrived literally at the last moment to save her. Hope she will recover completely and live a happy life. For the moment she still looks shy and somewhat sad.Thank you so much for your commitment 🙏🏻💙💛É maravilhoso ver pessoas cuidando de animais que se encontram em dificuldades, doentes, machucados, maltratados e abandonados. Existem situações tão graves pelas quais os animais passam que não consigo assistir aos vídeos. Amo demais os animais, não suporto vê-los sofrer. Quem os socorrem são seres com coração de ouro, verdadeiros filhos de Deus e sejam abençoados. Parabéns! Continuem amando os animais.Me hizo llorar este video, esto nos enseña que es hora de pensar en los demas en ayudar y de dar mucho amor a los animalitos indefensos, gracias y que Dios les bendiga mucho por sus buenas obras…❤
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